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All Women Need Mentors: An Evening on Mentorship with WEN

Hosted Virtually on Zoom

Join the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) for an evening about mentorship! This panel discussion will feature folks that have been mentees, mentors, or both, and they will be sharing learnings and best practices for finding the right mentor/mentee, cultivating that mentorship relationship, and how it has impacted them and their careers. Attendees will have the […]


Middle of the Road: Navigating Mid-Career Changes and Growth

This career panel will be geared toward those at a career midpoint: no longer newbies, but not quite on the executive floor (yet). So your days of being a coffee-fetching intern or toiling away as an entry-level associate are long-past, but the dream of that perfect corner office is still far off. You've reached a […]


East Bay Regional Park District Volunteer Day

Point Pinole Pinole Point, Richmond

Volunteers play a vital role in the management of the East Bay Parks, and in return learn about land stewardship and resource conservation. Join us to help improve the quality of life for our communities, wildlife, and our shared natural areas. Join us at Point Pinole to restore the Monarch Butterfly habitat! WEN Contact: Ruby Tumbler […]